2025 Flu Season Is Here: Prepare Yourself

2025 Flu Season Is Here: Prepare Yourself

Jan 30, 2025

The New Year is in full swing and so is flu season across the country. Every year Influenza (commonly called “flu”) causes sickness and disruption throughout homes, daycares, schools, workplaces and communities. The current 2024-2025 flu season in the United States is no different. That's why it is important to understand what is happening and how to stay healthy this flu season.

Not The Same Flu Season As Last Year

Flu season usually begins in October and spreads during the colder months, peaking between December and February. As of January 2025, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) health officials reported the flu season is in full swing. So far 40 states reported high or very high levels of flu-related illness in late December showing widespread flu activity is in effect.

This season, the CDC projects that the peak flu hospitalization rate will be similar to or lower than the previous 2023-2024 flu season. During the previous flu season there were roughly 8.9 weekly laboratory-confirmed hospitalizations per 100,000 people. That’s actually good news and offers hope that this season’s impact might not be as bad in terms of patients in need of hospitalization.

Even with a potentially lower hospitalization rate, the flu is still having a big impact. Current CDC estimates show at least 5.3 million people sick with flu, leading to about 63,000 hospitalizations and 2,700 deaths. These numbers highlight the seriousness of the flu as well as the importance of taking steps to prevent and treat it.

The Flu Isn’t The Same Everywhere

The flu is not hitting all parts of the country in the same way. Public health officials noted states across the South, Southwest and West are seeing intense flu diagnosis numbers. Meanwhile Northern Great Plains and New England states are reporting somewhat lower levels of flu activity so far. This difference in location-based sickness is typical during flu seasons and is driven by factors such as population density, climate and people’s travel patterns.

Several different flu virus strains are in circulation this season, making the flu spread even more. So far the most common strains are H1N1 and H3N2. Different strains can cause different levels of sickness and affect people in different ways. Every year the flu vaccine is developed to target whichever specific flu strain that is expected to be the most common throughout the country. While the flu vaccine doesn’t always prevent illness, it does help reduce the severity of the illness. 

Woman with the flu. Image courtesy Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-woman-taking-her-temperature-with-a-thermometer-5207332/

Protecting Yourself From The Flu

Flu virus spreads through tiny droplets released when someone who is sick coughs, sneezes, or even talks. These tiny droplets spread everywhere nearby, falling on surfaces or traveling through the air. If a person breathes in the droplets or touches them, they are at risk of getting sick. Getting vaccinated is a great way to ward off the flu, but there are other ways to help keep you healthy this year.

Here are a few ways to protect yourself from getting sick when you are out in public:

  • Wash hands often
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Avoid crowded spaces
  • Wear a mask

Here are a few ways to to protect yourself and others at home:

  • Cover your nose and mouth when coughing
  • Avoid close contact with sick people
  • Disinfect surfaces often
  • Use a high-quality air purifier

When selecting an air purifier make sure you choose one that can filter down to 0.3 microns, which is small enough to catch airborne viruses and bacteria. Intellipure’s Compact and Ultrafine 468 air purifiers both meet or exceed the HEPA standard so you can breathe confidently in your home. The Intellipure Compact is perfect for bedrooms, especially where someone who is sick is sleeping to help reduce the risk of spreading the virus. The Intellipure Ultrafine 468 is great for larger rooms where the family gathers. Plus you will have peace of mind knowing your indoor air quality is truly world-class. 

Compact Air Purifier

Don’t Let The Flu Get You Down

Flu season isn’t forever, but if you are sick it can seem like it drags on. If you do get the flu stay home, get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids. Consult with your doctor about potential medication options. 

High-Performance Portable Air Purifiers

Explore plug-and-play solutions for your space that meet or exceed the HEPA standard.

$149.00 $299.00
Compact Air Purifier
$96.00 $120.00
Compact Annual Filter Set
SuperV Whole Home Air Purifier

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