Air Quality FAQ

What is Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)?

Indoor air quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality as it relates to the health and comfort of occupants within and around buildings and structures. Health effects from poor indoor air quality may be experienced soon after exposure or possibly not until years later. Understanding and controlling common pollutants to improve your IAQ can help reduce health problems and ease concerns.

Is air pollution really that bad?

According to the EPA, studies have shown that human exposure to air pollutants indicates that indoor levels of pollutants may be two to five times — and occasionally more than 100 times — higher than outdoor levels. These levels of indoor air pollutants are of particular concern because most people spend about 90 percent of their time indoors. 

Ready to get started on your journey to cleaner air? Contact us today.

World Health Org comments

What are Ultrafine Particles?

The air we breathe is full of microscopic particles. In recent years, scientists have begun conducting research that indicates that even the smallest “ultrafine” particles are potential health hazards. Due to the high concentration of these particles, they can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause inflammation. They are small enough to enter cells in the body, make their way into the bloodstream, and potentially cause heart and brain diseases. 

Children, elderly people, and people with pre-existing lung problems are especially vulnerable to ultrafine particulate pollution. We created our patented DFS technology to specifically eradicate these harmful particles at a higher rate than any other air purifier in the world.

You can learn more about ultrafine particles from the CDC. Or, if you’re ready to get started on your journey to clean air, you can reach out to an Intellipure® representative.

Particle chart

What is a micron?

A micron, also known as (µm), is a small unit of measurement for length. It is another name for micrometer, which is one-thousandth of a millimeter, or, one-millionth of a meter.  Airborne particles are usually described in microns.

The human eye can see debris and dust particles that are as small as approximately 25 microns in size. Particles smaller than 0.3 microns — much too small to see — are considered to be ultrafine particles. These smaller particles enter the body and travel through the bloodstream. They penetrate deep into the lungs and can potentially cause inflammation, heart disease, brain disease, and exacerbate pre-existing conditions. Children, elderly people, and people with lung problems like asthma are especially vulnerable. 

For cleaner indoor air, shop our full selection of air purifiers. Or, contact us for more information!

What are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)?

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) include a variety of chemicals, some of which may have short- and long-term adverse health effects. Concentrations of many VOCs are consistently higher indoors, sometimes up to 10 times higher, than outdoor concentrations. 

These VOCs are emitted by common household items including paints and lacquers, paint strippers, cleaning supplies, pesticides, building materials, furnishings, office equipment, and more. These items often contain organic chemicals that are released into the air you breathe when used or stored improperly. 

Intellipure® air purifiers can help you rid your indoor air of harmful VOCs and allow you and your loved ones to breathe cleaner air. Find your unit online today or contact us for assistance. 

What are the VOC filters made of?

Both the Intellipure VOC pre-filter and the VOC post-filter are made of a proprietary blend of activated carbon. Nothing in our Intellipure air purification systems is corn-based or made with off-gassing materials.

Are Intellipure® air purifiers doctor recommended?

Intellipure® air purifiers are used in hospitals, doctor’s offices, laboratories, and dentist offices around the world. Many doctors use and have recommended our air purifiers to others, including Dr. Elson Haas of the Preventative Medical Center of Marin, Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Hayden Kho, Dr. Vicki Belo, Doctor to the Stars and Celebrated Dermatologist, and Dr. Robert Kiltz, the CEO of CNY Fertility and United States’ top IVF expert and practitioner. To read their testimonials, click here!

Watch the video below to see how Dr. Ramsay Farah, MD at Farah Dermatology, is addressing patient safely with help from Intellipure®. 

How to improve your air based on the EPA’s recommended tips

On top of aggravating allergies and disturbing sleep patterns, indoor air pollution has also been linked to lung cancer, asthma, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. The EPA recommends eliminating the source of air pollution when possible and running high-quality portable air purifiers that can trap harmful particles. Running air purifiers will make your indoor space a significantly healthier place to be.

According to the EPA, there are three basic strategies to improve indoor air quality: 

  1. Source Control 
  2. Improved Ventilation
  3. Air Cleaners

For more information on how to find the best Intellipure® air purifier for your needs, contact us today.