Mold Basics, Where to Find & How to Fix

Discover the dangers of mold growth in homes and how to improve IAQ after exposure with Intellipure®.

By Gemma O'Kane

Learn Mold Basics

Do you want clean air for you and the people around you? Of course you do - everyone does. But unfortunately, there are microscopic contaminants floating around in the air we breathe. Let’s set our focus on an extremely common particle that can be found in most buildings. Mold. We hear this word all the time, but did our familiarization with it result in us forgetting how dangerous it really is? It's time to take a look at mold basics.

Let's review… Molds are a natural part of our environment that help break down and digest organic materials, which make them an essential part of our ecosystem. However, unwanted and covert molds in our home and workplace can result in headaches, allergic reactions, extended illness, or even death to humans and animals. Let's admit it, most of us think of blue cheese when we hear the word "mold," and we aren't wrong for doing so. Penicillium mold is used to produce blue cheese, which is considered safe to consume. But other molds can have much more frightening outcomes for our mental and physical health. Want to go deeper? Learn the basics of mold from the EPA.

Mold in Homes

Mold can be commonly found in homes that retain even the slightest amount of moisture from leaks or flooding. With that said, our little fuzzy friend doesn't necessarily need that much to grow.

Where Should I Look for Mold Growth?

  • All over the house!
  • Bathroom and ceiling tiles
  • Areas around windows
  • In and around sinks
  • Washing machine/Dishwasher
  • Portable AC units
  • Anywhere that may smell like mold or has been exposed to leaks or flooding

It is also possible for mold to grow in wallpaper, drywall, insulation, and other sections of your home. Other than growing from a leak, mold spores in air can enter your home through any open airways such as windows, vents, HVAC systems, and doorways. Yes, mold is metaphorically walking through your front door and is small enough to float around in the air that you breathe.

You're probably asking yourself when the last time, if ever, you checked your house for mold. Don't worry, you are not alone! Many people wouldn't expect this much damage from mold, but as more studies are done, people are now noticing how molds severely affect the human body and mind. Globally, many people are investing in air purification systems to clean the air their families or employees breathe. So which air purifier works the best, especially with pre-existing health issues from mold or other poor air quality factors?

Home Cleanse removing mold from an attic

The Life of Mold Spores

Mold produces microscopic reproductive cells called "spores." These spores look like dried dandelions when they are viewed under strong microscopic magnification, but they are far more harmful than a summer flower. Mold spores can easily travel by animals or humans brushing up against them and clinging onto fur and fabric, but they can also travel by air. Yes, this can be a bit uncomfortable to hear that your family could possibly be inhaling mold spores, but there are solutions to this issue.

It's my pleasure to introduce you to Intellipure®. Our Disinfecting Filter System, or DFS, allows our engineers to produce air filtration solutions that remove tiny particles, specifically mold, out of the air. Mold spores can dramatically vary in size, but they tend to fall between 1 and 40 microns (µ) in size (HomeCleanse). Intellipure® DFS technology captures particles as small as 0.007µ at 99.99% efficiency. Mold spores are out-of-luck once they face our 15kV energy field that captures ultrafine particles and eliminates them on contact.

Intellipure® DFS technology exceeds HEPA standards, which is 0.3µ with 99.97% efficiency. Many harmful pollutants are smaller than 0.3µ such as bacteria, airborne viruses, allergens, and certain chemicals. DFS technology prevents organisms to grow inside of the filter and prohibits live organisms from escaping back into the air. Our portable units can be easily installed by plugging them in and turning them on, whereas our Ultrafine Whole House Air Cleaner is installed by one of our professionals directly to the HVAC system, to circulate fresh, contaminate-free air throughout the entire home.

So, Mold in House What to Do Next?

To start, get a mold removal service to your home to remove all traces of mold. Next, order an Intellipure® Air Purifier from our website, simply install, and let it handle the rest. We have a variety of units to choose from depending on the size of your space. With an Intellipure® unit in your home, you will see a reduction in dust and dander, pollen, dust mite waste, bacteria, fungi, viruses, and of course, mold!

Intellipure® is utilized across the United States and trusted all over the globe. This brand has set a new standard for air purification solutions that competitors cannot keep up with. Protect your family and the future of your home with Intellipure®. Contact us today to start planning your family's new life.


We’re reimagining the world as a better, safer place with innovative air purification technologies. Our solutions are engineered in the USA and trusted in nearly every industry. To find out more about the latest in clean air take a look at the Intellipure lineup and follow us on Instagram at @Intellipure.