Spring Cleaning For Improved Indoor Air Quality

Refreshen your home while improving your indoor air quality with these tips.

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Spring has sprung, which means the flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and the sun is shining. With spring also traditionally comes decluttering and refreshing your space after a long winter — otherwise known as spring cleaning.

Spring cleaning is an important part of keeping your home and the ones you love happy and healthy. There is no better feeling than sitting in your home’s most important spaces knowing that everything is clean and organized heading into a new season. 

Whether you are cleaning your bedrooms, office space, basement, or your whole home, knowing how to thoroughly clean your surfaces and the air you breathe in each space this spring is crucial. Keep reading for tips and tricks on how to thoroughly clean your home and air this spring, and why you should make our air purifiers part of your process!

How to clean more thoroughly.

The time for spring cleaning is here, but you are probably saying to yourself “Where do I start?”

The first, and most important step, is to stay calm! Looking around and seeing piles of clothes taken off hangers, holiday decorations that never made it back to the basement, and dust on top of your hard-to-reach surfaces can be stressful. Don’t worry, though — it will all get done and, with these tips and tricks, spring cleaning can not only be stress-free but also rewarding.

Make a checklist and a schedule.

Before starting to tackle your cleaning, come up with a checklist for each space and a schedule of when you want to tackle each task. With a checklist of what you want to accomplish in each room, you can easily keep track of your goals and make sure that everything is getting done.

Another key part of spring cleaning is planning when to fit cleaning into your schedule. Yes, the ultimate feeling of a clean space is one you want to get to quickly, but taking your time to clean more thoroughly in sections will keep you from feeling overwhelmed. Making a schedule to plan how you can chip away at your spring cleaning checklist bit by bit can be helpful for planning and organizing your time more efficiently.

Clean your spaces from top to bottom.

Cleaning from top to bottom not only makes it easier to get those hard-to-reach areas out of the way first, but it also helps you clean more thoroughly. If you are cleaning from the bottom of a room to the top, built-up dust, pet hair, and other harmful ultrafine particles will settle back down to the areas you have already cleaned.

When cleaning from top to bottom, start by cleaning the higher surfaces like shelves, cabinets, and ceiling fans before moving on to lower surfaces like tables, countertops, and floors. This will give you the most effective and efficient cleaning results.

Use all-natural cleaning products.

Conventional cleaning products tend to contain harsh chemicals that can harm you and the environment. These chemicals and irritants, like synthetic fragrances, caustics, ammonia, and others, can irritate your eyes, skin, and respiratory system. Plus, they can get into the air, water, and soil around your home and cause damage to wildlife in the area.

To prevent harm to you and the environment, use natural cleaning products. Compared to conventional cleaning products, natural cleaners are often made from essential oils, vinegar, and baking soda, which are less likely to create health problems. Research natural cleaning product brands that make products that are safe for use around children and pets, too!

Finish cleaning one room before moving to another.

An important thing to remember when completing your spring cleaning to-dos is not to rush from room to room just to be able to check tasks off. Take the time to finish one room at a time so you can be sure each space is getting the attention it deserves.

Plus, if you only clean a couple of surfaces in one room and leave the windows to move onto another room, you might not go back to it later. So, even though it can be tempting, don’t get too ahead of yourself. Take the time you need to get your cleaning done right.

The Intellipure Difference in homes, coporations, and schools.

Don’t just clean the outside — clean the inside too.

Once you get into the groove of cleaning the surfaces throughout your home, it is easy to think that if the outside is clean, you’re done. However, the inside of your cabinets, refrigerator, and most importantly, your closets, need a good cleaning this spring, too.

It might have been a while since you took the time to clean the shelves and drawers in your fridge. You probably also have piles of clothes in your closets that you thought you were going to wear and didn’t bother to hang back up.

We’ve all been there, and it’s important to take the time to clean the inside of these spaces as well as clean the outside. Doing this will help you clean up any stuck-on messes and clean out what you no longer need!

Have an air purifier running during and after cleaning.

As you clean, there are various harmful particulates that are entering your air. There are chemicals and fragrances from the cleaning supplies you use as well as dust, dirt, pet hair, and other debris that become part of the air you breathe.

The best way to reduce the harmful particles in your air while you clean is to add an air purifier to your space. The Ultrafine 468 has a 6-stage VOC adsorption filter that removes these chemicals from the air and away from your lungs. Plus, with the right filter, you can ensure that the harmful particles absorbed by an Intellipure purifier won’t grow additional bacteria within your unit.

Looking for an air purifier for a smaller space? No worries! Our Compact air purifier covers spaces up to 500 sq. feet and is the top choice in air purification from Martha Stewart!

An Ultrafine 468 air purifier is in the kitchen next to the table.

Keeping your air as clean as your home.

Speaking of cleaning the inside…now that your spaces themselves are clean, make sure the air you’re breathing in each space is clean, too. Here are a few ways you can give your air the same thorough cleaning you gave the rest of your family’s home.

  1. Take advantage of the nice weather and open your windows and doors! Letting in fresh air from outside can help to ventilate your home and reduce the concentration of pollutants in the air inside.
  2. Perform regular maintenance on your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Make sure to change your air filters regularly and have your system serviced regularly by a professional.
  3. Ensure you have a functioning air purifier in your home to reduce the number of harmful particles in your air and create a healthy living environment.

Fresh air all season long with Intellipure® air purifiers.

Now that your indoor spaces are fresh and clean, you need to make sure you’re breathing fresh indoor air all season long. With Intellipure home air purifiers, that is easier than ever. 

Our air purifiers are designed with patented DFS technology that removes over 99% of the harmful and irritating particles that will enter your air this spring. Our air purifiers are tested for total system efficiency and will keep you and your family safe no matter the room you are in. 

Ready to get started on your journey to clean air? Shop our selection of air purification units today. Or, call one of our air experts — we’re here to help you find the best solution to help you live a clean, and comfortable life!


We’re reimagining the world as a better, safer place with innovative air purification technologies. Our solutions are engineered in the USA and trusted in nearly every industry. To find out more about the latest in clean air take a look at the Intellipure lineup and follow us on Instagram at @Intellipure.