Mold Destruction on a Family: Based on an Eye-Opening True Story

How a mother secured her life back from the clenches of mold destruction. Watch Now »

By Gemma O'Kane

Review of Mold Exposure

Mold is a type of fungi that thrives off of damp areas, especially within a home. These areas can include anywhere there is moisture - so be cautious of bathrooms, gyms, and laundry rooms. To control mold growth, you must control the moisture within the building, and make sure humidity is below 30-60% to prevent the growth of mold spores, that can actually travel through the air.

Negative health effects can be a result of mold exposure. This can lead to respiratory issues like asthma, allergic reactions, or in serious cases, death (EPA).

a woman in a hospital gown

Mold Destruction on a Family

Now that we understand mold basics and the negative health effects of mold exposure, let’s jump into a true story about the destruction that mold had done to a family located in Florida. Skip to the full video.

Shannon Hill is a devoted wife, mother, and registered nurse. Over the span of 7 years, Shannon consulted with over 40 doctors for over 70 unexplained symptoms, including intense headaches, panic attacks, and extreme nausea, that no one had the diagnosis for. Once her severe illness from mold exposure seemed to conquer her life, she was determined to do anything to take back control of her health.

A Final Call for Help

Sarah Phillipe, a nutritional practitioner, listened to Shannon explain her medical issues and advised her to get her home checked for mold. This is the moment when Shannon’s life changed forever. Expert teams from HomeCleanse and Intellipure® were now on the case, investigating the mold buildup and air quality of her home.

As Michael Rubino, author of The Mold Medic, received the mold inspector's results of Shannon’s house, he discovered exorbitant amounts of mold buildup in several locations that were affecting the air quality, which seemed to be directly connected to her poor health condition. His team was all hands-on deck as they removed the mold from the house, having Shannon’s family stay in their RV-camper for the time being.

The HomeCleanse team uses the best products in the market to remove mold and keep mold out. Using world-class mold remediation programs, and the most innovative air purification solutions from Intellipure®, this company has helped many families similar to the Hills.

The Intellipure Ultrafine Whole House Air Cleaner, which is known as the Super V, is disassembled and on display outside in front of a fence.

Intellipure® SuperV Air Purifier

One of the smallest microorganisms on the planet is a virus, smaller than a mold spore itself. The Disinfecting Filtration System technology found exclusively in Intellipure® air purification solutions can remove particles as small as 0.007µ at up to 99% efficiency. This eliminates any dust, smoke, bacteria, or mold spore in the air that is larger.

Shannon Hill received installation of the best-in-class Ultrafine Whole House Air Cleaner SuperV unit to her home's HVAC system, delivering clean air to every vent in the house, and eliminating harmful, microscopic particles including mold. Shannon's health drastically improved over time and accomplished "huge milestones" in becoming a mother once again.


For almost 7 months Shannon was bedridden with a feeding tube connected to her stomach and small intestine because of the illness mold caused her. Educate yourself and others about the destruction mold can cause, and don’t wait for mold to take over your life. Get your house professionally inspected for mold growth and keep it away with Intellipure® air purification solutions. Watch Now »